Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Monday Monday

This week is full of terrible things that need to be done. Papers that need to be written. Exams that need to be taken. Videos that need to be watched and responded to and discussed.

I'm running through this semester with only half a brain. And possibly only half of that in working order. I've attended my statistics class exactly twice. Partially because I hate it, but mostly because I just forget it exists. (Ah, denial. My old friend. Glad to see you're still hanging around.) I'm listless at work and restless at home, compulsively checking the Daily Mail rather than doing my readings and grinding my teeth way too much.

Come home now, that way we can procrastinate together. Okay? :)

(Song of the Day for Monday, by Very Truly Yours)

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Today I did nada. Not a thing My Lovely, not a damn thing. I've spent the last 4 or so hours thinking about starting on a debate I have due tomorrow (on plant geography) at 8pm, but so far have managed to decide against doing any sort of actual research. Aside from that, there's not a damn thing to report. I did however curl my hair. Does that count as doing something?


Saturday we hit the RenFair. We gorged ourselves on cider and meat-hammers until we couldn't move, and then we had some more. She-she was having a really rough day and her bf was acting like a cat's ass, but we made the best of it. Goose got a flintlock pistol (clearly not a real one), and I got some necklaces. Pictures soon I promise.

We came home and spent the night doing water changes and cleaning the fish tanks followed by homework and watching Tangled (which for the record, is Goose's favorite movie. It's soooo ridiculous!) Super exciting stuff, I know, but we live life on the edge. Clearly.

Song of the Day:

Everybody knows, that the world is full of stupid people....

One last note on The Refreshments: When I was younger, probably right around the time I started at Junior High, Teena still kept a pretty close eye on what we (I) were listening to (even though she didn't live with us and had NO parenting time). [I don't know if you recall how I got my jaw dislocated when Dad bought me Korn's Issues x-mas of '99, but it was a SCANDAL!] As a result (from about '95-99) I never bought CDs I would just borrow them from the library since all things that come from libraries were deemed appropriate by the powers that be. Fizzy Fuzzy Big & Buzzy by
The Refreshments was one of the first I ever checked out, and man did I think I was clever. :P

Lots of Love.


Friday was exhaustive. I know things happened, we did stuff, possibly of interest, but mostly I just don't remember. The in-laws left and Goose and I muddled through mountains of homework. I'm pretty sure I took an unreasonably long nap sometime in the afternoon and then fell asleep.

February, in case you were somehow unaware, is my own personal version of hell. It seems to last clear through March, and it's early April before I feel like I'm getting my soul back from the winter she-beast that stole it from me. It's strange, because winter here isn't very wintery at all, and yet I find myself listless and the grumpy/anxious/pacing around kind of restless for the duration. I find myself singing Bright Eyes songs, ad nauseum under my breath.

I dreamt of a fever, one that would cure me
Of this cold winter set heart...

and so on.

(Not that I'm complaining about that particular aspect, more like I'm including it as a somehow necessary detail whose importance is not yet fully understood.)

As a result this bloggy kind of open letter to you ends up being a bit lack-luster, but such is life I suppose.

I do hope, Dear Friend, that you're starting to heal up nicely and that the universe is starting to cut you just a little bit of slack. I love you tons, and I hope you're well. Kisses.

Song of the Day:

Thursday, February 9, 2012


The week passed me by yet again. Spent yesterday fossiling with the in-laws followed by several hours of frantic midterm paper writing. Poor little Goose fell asleep with the dog on the floor. Tonight I have a stats exam that I am on my way to slaughter, followed by a full night guess it! More writing! Hooray!

In other news, THIS is my new theme song. When you think of me, this is the song that should be playing in your mind. Just so you know. LOTS of love to you Dear Friend!!

Song of the Day! Wednesday!

Gotta love the Righteous Brothers. :D

Song of the Day Tuesday!

Monday, February 6, 2012

You're in my blood like holy wine.....

Song of the Day is Joni Mitchell - A Case of You. [Which for the record, is my all time favorite.]

Wanna sing along with me?

I remember that time you told me, you said
"Love is touching souls"
Surely you touched mine
'Cause part of you pours out of me
In these lines from time to time
Oh, you're in my blood like holy wine
You taste so bitter and so sweet
Oh I could drink a case of you darling
And I would still be on my feet
I would still be on my feet


[What is: This week in sum.]

I have a seemingly endless amount of work to do this week. I keep waking up thinking I've put the worst of it behind me, only to realize I've forgotten some other horrendous aspect of something-or-another and need to buckle down and muddle through it all over again. (Like I'm so obviously doing right now, ha!)

Instead, I'm playing a dangerous game of pick-and-choose, and doing what seems vital and/or not terribly tedious...or, you know, nothing at all. Depending on my mood. That MAY come back to bite me in the butt. Particularly with only two weeks left in my compressed classes. We'll see though.

In other news...there is no news. That is in fact, all that i know.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

I remember, I dismember: A week in music.

Monday: Say what you will about Repo, I stand firm in the conviction that it's so bad that it's fucking brilliant. How can you not love seeing Giles as the organ Repo man? I remember, I dismember-

Tuesday: Yep, it's Repo twofer. Stop rolling your eyes and learn to love it. Sarah Brightman as Blind Mag for Chase the Morning!

Wednesday: Can't remember if I've posted this song before, clearly I need to start keeping some sort of log...anyway, either way Lykke Li makes me happy.

Thursday: I'm not sure if it's the song or the music video that has me hypnotized, but either way lets pretend we're hipsters and sing it together. ;)

Friday: Stumble and fall, you're the worst of them all - *dancitydance*

Saturday: Week's almost done! .... Well I was locked into being my mother's daughter / I was just eating bread and water thinking nothing ever changes....

Lots-O-Love from Goose and I.

She Lives!

So I'm here, and not at all dead, in case you were wondering. I am however, currently muddling through the two weeks from hell that happen when my work/school schedule, midterm testing schedule, midterm project due dates, and a visit from the in-laws all collide to create some sort of f-ed up time-warp where I can't seem to get anything accomplished correctly.

Friday for example, I showed up for a midterm in my history of biology class. I had pre-written my essays per my teachers instructions and had only to copy them from my notes to the exam paper. Somehow it all went wrong. Maybe it was the fact that I haven't slept in days, maybe it was that I had to fit 4 pages of writing onto one piece of 8.5x11 paper (in 45 minutes or less), it's hard to say, but somehow, somehow, while transcribing my PREWRITTEN summary of the evolution of taxonomy I twice, TWICE (that I can recall) defined homology as analogy. Now, maybe that doesn't seem like a big deal in the whole scheme of things, but that is a big, BIG mistake for an elitist bastard like me to make. That is what I like to call a Third Grade Definitions kind of mistake, and it is exactly the kind of mistake I am constantly holding against, well, everyone else. Ugh! *facepalm* I haven't gotten that exam back, but I so vividly recall writing it out, so high on my own brilliance that I didn't even think about what I was writing until I was recounting my would-have-been victory to Goose later. I seriously hope my TA is making fun of me as he reads it, because I clearly need to be taken down a peg.

Anyway, my point being, that this open letter to you Dear Friend, somehow got lost in the jumble of chaos that is my life, and for that I'm sorry. Things will continue to be touch-and-go for at least the remainder of this week, and quite possibly beyond that. It's hard to say, I'm not good at predicting the future. I will however, work harder on getting a 'hello' in at the very least. Know that in the mean time, whether I'm here or not, I'm sending you all the love and white light I can muster, and thinking of you guys every day. I hope you're feeling better and that this week maybe brings some resolution to some of the issues you're having with your car and your tongue. *hugs*

I'll leave you with this (singing and dancing are NOT optional):

Lots of love!