[What is: This week in sum.]
I have a seemingly endless amount of work to do this week. I keep waking up thinking I've put the worst of it behind me, only to realize I've forgotten some other horrendous aspect of something-or-another and need to buckle down and muddle through it all over again. (Like I'm so obviously doing right now, ha!)
Instead, I'm playing a dangerous game of pick-and-choose, and doing what seems vital and/or not terribly tedious...or, you know, nothing at all. Depending on my mood. That MAY come back to bite me in the butt. Particularly with only two weeks left in my compressed classes. We'll see though.
In other news...there is no news. That is in fact, all that i know.
Don't worry, I haven't been showing up to a class with mandatory attendance because I totally forgot I was taking it.