I should have done a lot of things today.
Should have.
Instead I lit some candles.
I read some Solzhenitsyn.
And I took a bath.
I've felt generally unwell for the past couple of days, which has (as always), decreased my irritation threshold. This I think, explains my constant complaining about All Of The Things. Things which really oughtn't to be complained about. I am actively trying to be less irritated about The State Of Things. Particularly when those things are relatively minor, but it doesn't come naturally.
At any rate, I hope your day has been more productive than mine. Or, alternatively, that it has been even less productive - perhaps spectacularly so - in which case, I request a dramatic recounting of your ultimate lazy day.
The song for this laziest of days is by The Civil Wars.
Miss your face.
I may or may not have watched some walking dead, and i most certainly have played a little GTA, because I had to get to the strip club "mission"... it's less crass than the previous, but also more involved, and somehow--disappointing as the pixelating tits were--still a step up from what i'd expected. I'll try to upload a video or something...