Tuesday, November 12, 2013

November thoughts.

Oh Dear Friend, it's been a heck of a week for the both of us, hasn't it? I don't know what is going on with people, but perhaps we can blame at least some of it on the looming full moon. I miss you terribly. Now more than ever. It seems everyone around me is slowly losing their minds. I don't know why R flipped out like he did today, but the whole thing makes me extremely uncomfortable. I am not looking forward to tomorrow, but my dad is right, everything will be okay.

My dad is always right. Almost always anyway. Pretty close to always. Close enough that I'm willing to round up.

Most of my wisdom is just Dad's wisdom recycled.
With any luck I will grow up to be half as amazing at anything as he is at being my dad.

I'm currently watching Hoarders. I'm not sure why. Possibly because King of the Hill is no longer on Netflix, and that vexes me. I have yet to find a suitable replacement.

I dyed my hair last night and for the first time I used two entire boxes of hair dye. Not one and a half. Not one in three-quarters. Two. In another couple of months I will require a third box. I feel like my hair is unreasonably long. I know that it is unreasonably thick. I don't know how to do anything with it. I can't seem to style it in any sort of way that pleases me. It is at an irritating length were I can't stand having it down either. So the end result is that it is continuously in a pony tail. I want to cut it. In theory anyway. But I don't want to make an appointment to do it. I don't want to waste time getting it cut when I could be climbing mountains, or doing something equally awesome. And I don't want to spend money on haircuts that I could be spending on gear. So it just keeps growing. I wish I were girly-er more adept at making myself look nice (with my hair down) but I just can't stomach spending that much time in front of the mirror every day.

The canyon hike is in just a couple of days now, and I am jittery with excitement. I am making a focused and concentrated effort not to talk incessantly about it, but it is sooooooo hard. Lol. I wish you were hiking it with me.

My teeth are better, but continue to hurt and unreasonable amount on and off.

The sun is setting before 6 pm now so I constantly think that I need to be heading to bed because it is dark outside, when really it is still early in the evening.

And that is all that I know. I hope this week gets less stressful for the both of us. I love you dearly. I miss you always. Say hi to P for me. Sending all my love.

1 comment:

  1. I see what this is...a bitch revises her blog to eradicate the better part of a year, so you think you can just not post? I'm just kidding--I know you've been busy adventuring.

    And I have not. But I will be. ;)

    Thinking of you always.

