Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Falling on deaf ears.

Namely mine. That's right. My ear is infected again. Spectacularly so.

In fact, it is so infected that I am 100% deaf in that ear AND it has neon green puss dripping out of it. It's f*cking gross. I've been living off of my migraine medicine, and while it does take the edge off the pain, my whole face/jaw/neck region is still feels like it's being torn apart with a pear of anguish. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow. Hopefully she will know what to do about it.

Today I had inventory fun time with the boss man AND had to sort of loosely cross-train a new employee from the other campus. (With hilarious results). Most of the issues were medicine related and/or due to the fact that my equilibrium is off due to the noxious infection in my ear. As a result I'm sleepy, dizzy, and unable to stand back up or regain my footing when I bend over. I did my best to play it off like it was no big deal, but I don't know that they bought it. Another issue was the gross amount of coffee I start my day with combined with migraine medicine meant there was an obscene amount of caffeine in my bloodstream for most of the day. This lead to swings between phases of unnatural alertness and drunk with sleepiness. This in combination with my already awkward-uncomfortableness around new people (I'm sure) made me seem really odd.

But what are you going to do. The good news is my math test was canceled today. The bad news is that it's been moved to Thursday which leaves the possibility that I will be in even worse shape than I am today wide open.

That's all I know.

What's new in your world Dear Friend? Is QD settling into the new job? Tell me everything. Regale me with your adventures in the land of trees and snow...not that I'm trying to guilt you into it or anything, but I MAY be on my deathbed....

Just sayin'


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