Well Dear Friend. Today should have been my final-final. Should have been. That is, if things always went the way I wanted them to. Instead of...you know...the way they are.
As you may or may not recall I missed class on Tuesday due to unforeseen conflicts with yet another final. As a result I was slightly unsure of when exactly this final-final was. I checked my notes and found that I had very diligently written "final exam May 5, 2012, do not forget" in several places.
May 5 is a Saturday.
How that happened I'll never know. So I took a gamble and showed up for class two hours early at the approximate time when I assumed the exam should begin. It however, was not today. So instead I sat. For. Hours. I've lost my phone (yet again!), and I didn't bring anything other than a pencil so it was a really boring couple of hours. I sat on a bench and after some time noticed there were quite a few larvae/inch wormy things inching their way all over me. I even found one on my neck. It was not my finest hour.
After that I couldn't get the crawling feeling off of my skin so I abandoned my bench and wandered about the campus. I try to avoid going anywhere where I might be forced to share personal space with people (because someone might try to talk to me and then my world would END, lol) so that eliminated anywhere air conditioned or with computers or coffee pretty quickly. The sun was starting to set and the weather was nice so instead I weaved about the buildings for an hour or so. The Palo Verde Trees are all blooming and everything is covered in yellow pollen. It's very, very pretty, but also very itchy. Mostly in the face region. I sneezed my way through class and went home.
I still have one final left.
I find this to be cruel and unusual punishment.
Cruel and unusual punishment indeed.
I'm busting out Whitney Huston for today. Deal with it. (Also I love you. Lots)
I remember ASU used to like doing their math finals on Saturdays? Maybe ask the people in charge of final things, I don't know, that's a crappy spot to be in.