Thursday, April 25, 2013

It's been a craptastic week.

Or rather, it's been a fairly good week, but I've been in a rather craptastic mood. Perspective is everything, I suppose.

At any rate, I've crammed my face full of the chocolates and managed to survive it. I'm starting to come around to feeling better, but I'm not fully there yet.

I've spent the majority of this week reading in the bathtub (since my foot is still much too messed up from the Easter fiasco for too much physical activity). This pleases me immensely, the reading and the baths part that is, not so much the nonsense with my foot, but I suppose that goes without saying.

The last calendar year passed without me reading a single (non-school related) book (Edit: All lies! I read at least one, Suicide by Edouard Leve, there may have been others!), and that makes me rather sad. I've organized my (vast) book collection into four categories; books I haven't read, books I started and never finished, and books I haven't read in a very long time, and books I've read fairly recently. I will now proceed to work my way down the list one book at a time.

My goal is a book a week, but seeing as how it's Thursday and I'm only 276 pages into We, The Drowned (only a hair past the 40% mark), that may not be entirely feasible, though I suppose we shall have to see how the weekends pan out. At any rate, I intend to read consistently, as well as out loud, since the animals, for whatever ridiculous reason, seem to suddenly behave themselves when I am reading aloud. I expect to continue along in this manner until my foot heals or I get a second job, whichever comes first.

In other news, my sister is still mad at me, or embarrassed, or whatever over the Easter mess, and I remain blocked on all fronts. I called my Dad today to casually mention that I'm praying to whatever Gods may be that she develops some sort of glandular problem and balloons up to seven hundred pounds (AND is forced to wash herself with a rag on a stick). I know, I know, its one of the meaner things I've ever said, but you know what? That's my birth right as the older sister, to occasionally look down on said bratty younger sister and pray that misfortune befall her. I could wish famine or plague or pestilence, I suppose, but fat is her worst case scenario and so I wish for that.

I've spent my whole life being nice to her while she was casually cruel, it's my turn for once to play the bitchy sister card. :P

It's officially summer here, even if the calendar says there are still two more months of spring left. The temperature is creeping dangerously close to the 100 degree mark, and I love it. That roast-y, oven feeling when the sun shines down on you mid-summer is one of my all time favorite feelings. The desert is awesome. I don't know how you're surviving among all those trees.

Other things, other things, I'm sure there are other things, but I fail to think of any. I'm super curious as to how your meeting went down today, and looking forward to June shenanigans. I miss your face, like always, and wish you were here. More than that really, I wish you hadn't ever left and that we'd managed to survive the last few years together without all that pesky distance between us. Ha!

All my love.

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