Monday, July 25, 2011

My Dad is So Cool.

For the record, I've been trying to drag my parents out fossil hunting all summer, however, for a variety of reasons this has never panned out. I do bring all my cool finds over to their house to explain/show off.

This weekend they went up to the rim to star gaze. I gave them some directions to a good, low energy paleo site, but they turned me down because Dad said he doesn't know what he's looking for. LIES! Lies I tell you!

Fast forward to today when he calls to chat, just like he does every day, and he starts going off about this outcrop he found and how he has some 'rocks' I need to come look at because he's sure he found some fossils. Well, sure enough he did! And I could NOT be any prouder. My dear, sweet father found fossils all on his own. Without a map to a paleo site, without any guidance from me, and he called to share it. SO COOL.

He also did say I was right (I love hearing that!) and that they were everywhere, they were really easy to find, and that I taught him well. <3 Anyway, here are some pictures from my dad's impromptu fossil hunting trip. These are just the pics of the fossils he couldn't bring home because of the size of the matrix. He also found an assortment of brachiopods and corals that I have yet to check out. Enjoy.

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