...doesn't anybody stay in one place anymore?
It would be so fine to see your face at my door.
Doesn't help to know, you're just time away.
Remember when we were kids? When you showed up outside my window in the middle of a cold and rainy October night with that kid (that for the record, I had never met) with the one arm? Remember how my dad almost shot you? How you scrambled over the wall? Think we'll ever have adventures like that again?
It seems like sneaking out in the middle of the night, to walk down the center of the road, dressed without giving consideration to the weather...seems like those days are so far away.
I know that we're (at least slightly) less crazy, and less like teenagers and more like big kids. With all our big kid responsibilities. Bills... Marriages... But sometimes I just want the option to stomp down the street, bare footed, tears streaming down my face at 2am to demand you wake up and pay attention to me. I may never do it, but I like being able to roll the thought of it around my mouth.
I dislike the constant whittling down of options.
You know, I damn near peed myself when I woke up to see two people standing outside my window in the middle of that storm. I stuck my head under the blanket and everything. Trying to breathe. Convinced you were just a side effect of the crazy. But you weren't.
I think that story encapsulates just about everything I love about you.
One more song about moving along the highway
Can't say much of anything that's new
If I could only work this life out my way
I'd rather spend it being close to you
It's funny to me, that I feel a stronger sense of mourning over you moving, than I felt during any of my actual break ups. There aren't a lot of people, there aren't really any people (Goose excluded, obviously) that really truly get my shade of crazy. Lots of people were there with us when we were losing it for the first time, but no one really got it. I don't know if that's some sort of separation of angst vs crazy or what, but somehow they watched the play and missed the message.
I made something for you last night, while I was failing at sleeping. I don't know that you'll like it, but then again, I don't really care. :P When you get a minute send me your address.
I hope all that green up there isn't driving you crazy. I hope that things settle down as you settle in. I hope (against all hope) that you'll call me one day to help get you back home, though even I would understand if you chose to start over somewhere else.
Maybe, one of these days, I'll show up outside your window in the middle of the night...just make sure no one shoots me. :)
Take care dear friend. Let me know if you need anything.
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