Friday, October 21, 2011

Last night,

while bored and diligently avoiding my calculus project (not that that's what I'm doing right now. No, no. Not at all) I did my best to take a picture of mittens for you. She was...non-compliant. But I suppose that is to be expected. I did my best to hold her still, but as time went on (the whole process lasted a matter of seconds so 'time' as used here is really relative) she got more and more disgruntled before rapidly disintegrating into a pouty mooing beast. (Please reference photo 3). At that point I abandoned the project all together and turned my sights to other things.

Mittens, for the record, could really work on both her attitude and becoming more photogenic. Sir 'Loons on the other hand, was more than happy to chum it up for the camera. He is bigger than ever, (he can now stand on his hind legs and comfortably reach the kitchen counter with his paws which is proving troublesome) and since he's in that awkward stage between summer and winter coats, he's more scraggly and rakish than ever before. While not at all graceful, and often tripping over his own too-big feet, or falling off the sofa, does love the camera.


  1. It's really impressive how you manage to look like a totally different person in every picture I see you in, it's crazy.

  2. You guys are so funny. Also, I get that a lot. I think maybe it has something to do with my hair, but I'm not sure.
