Sunday, October 16, 2011


You asked, Dear Friend, and so I shall deliver. All week in fact! All week! Queercore from us to you.

It amuses me to no end (NO END!!) that you discovered this genera by googling 'angry bitch music'. I find that hysterical.

Sadly for you though, it is not all angry. Some of it is cute, and happy, and just really REALLY gay.

Like this one:

We miss you Dear Friend.

Things in the desert are also terrible.
We also hate all things.
And so we sit on our couch in solidarity with you.
We raise our glasses to the hope that one day
we will be able to scorch the earth with the glare from our eyes alone,
we will be able render our enemies useless
with only the triumphant beating of our hearts,
and we will awaken to a world free of both stupidity and inconvenience.
...or simply one with more free time, chocolate, and amaretto sours.
Whichever requires less work.

Also, I will give you a million dollars, acquired through whatever means necessary, if you actually sit down and turn this crap-fest into a musical. Because I really, REALLY love a good musical. And I would kill to see a QD-based character singing his funny little heart out to the words you've chosen for him. The pleasure alone might kill me, but it would totally be worth it.

Miss you. *muah*

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