really fantastic neighbors that lived behind us. Cute as all get out. Quiet, soft spoken. Covered in tattoos. They had sweet, well behaved little kids.
Then one day they moved out.
I'm not sure who lives there now, but I can tell you that I for sure, despise them.
Every night, every night at 9:15 they crank up the music. Loud music. Heavy bass. They rattle all my pictures. Knock fossils off the shelf. And I hate them. See-red-punch-through-the-wall-massacre-your-stereo kind of hate them.
So now I spend my evenings pounding on the wall. Wailing against the noise. Raging against their very existence. And I will continue to do so until they come to grips with what denotes a 'reasonable' volume.
For the record, I am a reasonable neighbor. I know that community living has its drawbacks. That one of those is knowing way too much about what your neighbors do or say or listen to on the other side of our shared walls. I know that no degree of good craftmanship is going to sound-proof my home and forever block out the endless sounds of life coming from other apartments. I know that ASU is an intrinsic and inescapable facet of life in and around Tempe and that its hell-goblins will inevitably share walls with me. I accept these things.
However, if you cannot keep your music regulated to a volume that does not SHAKE MY BELONGINGS OFF THE COUNTERS I'm going to be forced to make life as difficult as possible for you.
The wall pounding is my warning to you. The first sign of things to come. Take heed.
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