Well classes officially start up again next Thursday, which seems somehow...unfair. Don't get me wrong. I love school, and I fear that I will be permanently lost without it when I leave, but two short weeks somehow seems not nearly long enough to recover from the previous semester.
I know that at least my brand of finals-fatigue is self prophesied. I know that TECHNICALLY I could do a lighter, one could argue more reasonable, load each semester. But when I'm not challenged, really, really challenged, when I'm not scrambling to keep up, to claw some kernel of knowledge out of the mess that is higher education, I falter. I fail to do much of anything. I look at how little is asked of me and I ask myself what's the point? Why bother? And then I don't. Bother that is. In fact, I don't do much of anything. I just sort of drift through the semester. Bored and listless. Indifferent to my nosediving GPA.
At this point though, I've had enough apathetic semesters to be able to write the book on the link between boredom and poor marks so I'm doing things my own way. I have hellishly impossible semesters. Tandem semesters really. I take classes I think I'll never be able to pass, and lots of them, and I flourish.
But by the time I've stumbled out of the jungle that is finals I'm exhausted. Physically and mentally fatigued and in need of a good long nap. Possibly a small hibernation. All I want is chocolate, possibly some cake, and a cozy bed...for a month or so. Long enough for me to be able to speak in coherent sentences not just the me-want-num-nums kind of caveman talk I find myself babbling around the time I'm polishing off my last research paper.
Two, maybe three-ish weeks is not what I had in mind. It certainly wasn't something I had anticipated, at least not far enough in advance. But I'll live.
More than that, I'm going to demolish this semester in spite of it.
Oh, one more thing...
Did I tell you I had a religions class in there? Something reading intensive but still kind of soft?
Yeah, I ditched that in favor of a course on the history of technology and social thought. :p
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