Thursday, December 15, 2011


Well with yet another semester down and only two (TWO!) somehow remaining the problem of selecting classes and hashing out some kind of coherent schedule is upon me yet again.

I did register already. I have laid out a practical (if slightly insane) schedule for the spring, but we both know that once the reserved seats opened up I'd be forced to at least consider dropping most/all of those lovely practical classes in favor of something more interesting.

I had several classes in mind, totally useless self-indulgent classes mind you, but classes nonetheless. Since I only have 2 classes left to complete my degree (With a time conflict between them, of course) I have lots of room for the totally ridiculous. Problem is that now that I've opened the door to nonsense classes there are so many I feel compelled to take.

Firstly I am dismayed that the seminar class on Nobokov has only five available seats, and further dismayed that they are all full since statistically speaking, the chances of a seat opening up in there are nill.

Secondly I spent a great deal of time contemplating taking this class on game theory and the possible application of feminist politics and macroeconomic theory to WoW. Not that I care about gaming at all. (Particularly WoW which as I think we all know, is the genital herpes of the gaming world.) Clearly I don't. But just the same, the discussions generated in that class would be amazing.

For a brief moment I contemplated taking Lady Gaga and the Ideology of Otherness, mostly because it would provide a platform for me to complain (ad nauseum) and to a captive audience about the brain parasite that is Lady Gaga. But then I spent some time picturing what the other students in that class would be like. What they would sound like. The kinds of conversations I would have to endure. . .
Do you have any idea how badly the thought of that class, of those discussions frightens me?
Well I registered for Plant Geography instead. Plant. Geography.
I just keep seeing that 'leave Brittney alone' video in my head over and over again and the thought of having to sit through even one similar outburst in a CLASS that I PAID FOR makes my skin crawl. No thanks.

As it stands, I have 21 semester hours. 3 math/math related classes, 1 geo class, one anthro class, and two bio seminar classes. My lowest level class is a 394, and I may very well have to kill myself before the semester ends. BUT at least I'll never be bored.

Song of the Day: Ace of Base!!!

Lots of love to you Dear Friend. Miss you terribly.


  1. You are holding a phonograph up to my sound chords of my very soul with this Ace of Base...she said, not unaware but certainly unashamed of the awful, Picasso-like portrait this news paints of her most deux machina.

    Um...--also, Walking in LA--why oh why oh why did you not take EITHER of those, only for the endless dialogues it would spur! Prudent electives you have chosen, however; you will do well. I foresee this.

    I watched all the Harry Potters...I maintain theywrent worth the hype, but now I can rejoin the living. I'm in the club. Eye roll[]

  2. Wow, so are you going to graduate in the spring?!

  3. No, next December. There's a time conflict between the two classes I have remaining so I'm taking one this spring and one next fall. :P

  4. Agh! Mariah! I love it too. Sooooooooo much! Every time I hear Alejandro start I think it's Ace of Base and get frantically happy. But then it's not and I get annoyed. Then, I find myself singing with wild abandon anyway so I suppose it's all just as well. How are things? I'm going to try to call today if at all possible. Right now my phone is...somewhere. If not today than tomorrow for sure. Love you tons.

  5. Is it a big deal bad time conflict or just like a 10 minute overlap ordeal? You can easily get an override for these things instead of having to pay tuition for an extra semester.

  6. They're offered only once at the exact same time. I can't get an override for either of them as they're core requirements for my degree program which is...stupid. But my GPA is fucked at this point, so an extra semester isn't going to do anything but help me. I'm going to be below the minimum requirements GPA wise when applying for my PhD regardless. With an extra semester I might get close. . . maybe.

  7. Oh you're applying for a PhD? What in?

  8. Physical Anthropology with a focus on the evolution of disease.

  9. Oh that sounds pretty cool, are you doing it so you can do the whole fossil thing?

  10. No. Fossils are just a hobby. I've learned it's best to keep the things you love doing separate from the things you need to do to make a living. That's why I dropped out of Art School. I've had a difficult time trying to find something that fits my life goals. This is the closest match I've found. Something that will allow me to spend my time alone doing tedious amounts of research. And something that will keep me challenged and engaged. I'm terribly afraid that once I leave school my brain will atrophy. Gotta stave off the brain rot somehow. :)

  11. I know what you mean. I have a hard time explaining that to people, especially here. My first advisor actually told me to get out of EE if I loved art so much (I had mentioned really wanting to take art classes as my elective) and went on to insult the art discipline as if it was below him, but I have mentioned this before.

    But yeah, my unsolicited potentially horrible opinion on the PhD thing: hold off on that until you get like 10 years of experience in the field since you can always go back to that. I have heard many PhD horror stories from people and not a whole lot of positives, but again I am biased. At least I did not expound on this in Brian style ;).

  12. I hate that about advisers. I always just want to scream, this is about honing my craft not about paying my bills! Deal with it!

    Thanks for the advice, Brian style rants never bother me, so feel free to lecture away. One can never have too much information. I mostly hear horror stories too but I'm pretty dead set on it. At least in part because I am not at all excited about leaving school. I expect it will close more doors than it opens, that it will leave me over qualified and under employed and that it will be far more work than it's worth in the real world but that doesn't bother me. It's hard to explain. It's like I need to do this. Possibly more than I've ever needed to do anything. And if I try and I'm miserable and exhausted and lonely and I hate it, I can always leave...nd you can say I told you so. :P

    P.S. Your cookies got here today! Yay! But Goose ate most of your marshmallows before I got home. Lol!

  13. "Brian style rants," this makes me smile. :)
