Wednesday, August 8, 2012

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

I need to clean the house.
I need to clean the house.
I need to clean the house.
I need to clean the house.
I need to clean the house.


Don't get me wrong, the house is by no means dirty, it just isn't clean either. And though there is only a very fine line between the point where my house is 'clean' and the point where my house is 'dirty', I'm definitely walking along it.

There is nine days worth of dust on my shelves, a point which has been making me particularly crazy, and the floors haven't been vacuumed since Monday. The carpets could really use another good cleaning since I've been leaving my shoes on more and more, and I know there are dishes sitting in the dishwasher. These are the things that keep me up at night, and yet, I just cannot seem to bring myself to take care of them this week.

Part of my issue is that as the semester approaches, there are more and more things I begin to feel pressured to get done. Summer things. Things that aren't possible when school is in session. The more pressure I feel to do them, the less likely they are to get done. As I fail at doing the things I want to do, the things I would enjoy doing, all that day to day stuff that I need to keep up on seems more and more irritating.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

Anyway, I start hot yoga this week. Hopefully that will force me to sweat out the malaise that's permeated my being. Hopefully it will focus me and help me stay on task. But more than anything, I am hoping it will keep me active and out of the house. (For a couple of hours a week, anyway.)

Miss your face Dear Friend. Love.

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