Thursday, despite getting off to a really rough start turned out to be a pretty good day, Dear Friend.
I had coffee and donuts for breakfast, and began muddling through the day. I ended up an hour or so behind due to technology issues, but that inconvenience was made acceptable by the fact that it was free cake day at work. Two pieces of the most delicious carrot cake later, and things were starting to look up.
I finished my work, still pretty grumpy, went home, and took a nap.
I woke up to a text message from a friend and headed over to her house for some good old fashioned complaining. Several other people who had similarly bad days also showed up and we spent a good deal of time letting off steam. We then stumbled to Bahama Bucks for some snow cone topped ice cream, which rounded off my sugar-only diet for the day. HA!
Hanging out over there really just gave my brain a good scrubbing. I went over there thinking nothing could make me feel better, spent a few minutes feeling lost and overwhelmed in the mix of gay/theater kids swarming all around me, and then I just found my groove. I went home around midnight, happy and uplifted somehow. All the ick had been washed right out of my mind.
Friday I woke up in an equally amazing mood. Work went well, the inevitable set-backs didn't bother me, people seemed nicer, and the world was new. I got off work late, typical for a Friday, headed home, and made plans for the weekend.
My end-goal for the day was to clean the house. Instead, I did water changes on all the fish tanks, which is incredibly time consuming. By the time that was done I was exhausted. I looked at the clock, 8:34.
Damn. I'll just take a little nap, I told myself. Just a quick little nap.
A word to the wise: If you're going to bed at 8:34pm, it's not a nap. You're not going to get back up and clean the house. You're going to get comfortable, put something on netflix, and fall asleep.
And that's exactly what I did.
I spent the rest of the weekend being ill, talking to you, eating cookie dough, and watching King of the Hill re-runs.
Pretty awesome, If I do say so myself.
Miss your face!!
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