Friday, December 21, 2012

Wednesday Brings Good News

Wednesday morning I woke up with both sunshine and rainbows radiating out of literally, every orifice, such was my extreme happiness.

I skipped into work and pulled up my grades to find that despite my seemingly abysmal experience with my stats final, and the general lack of effort/intense procrastination I had put into this semester, I still have a 3.4 GPA (for the semester, obviously). So that made me extremely happy.

This was followed by a letter which read

"Dear Carolyn,
Attached is your graded final paper. You received an A+. Yours was the best of all submitted. It is always more difficult to present a good counter argument than a book report with personal reflections. Well done! You should be proud. It has been great to have you as a student. Much success in your career."

This was a particularly big win for me as said 8 page paper was written in the last hour before it was due, while I was in the bath, sobbing uncontrollably over the state of things.

The downside to that piece of joyful news, is that this is what ALWAYS happens to me when I procrastinate. I don't know what it is about intense pressure and stress, but I always pull A+ work out of my butt. This just serves to reinforce my own belief that my chaotic, and emotionally draining system is the one that makes the most sense grade-wise. I don't know if it's that I don't think or care any more by the time I get to the point of actually doing the work, and therefore am not tempted to overwork it, or if it's just simply that my brain can only get its act together when it's facing eminent impending doom.

The rest of the day Wednesday I skipped around, happy as a clam.

So much LOVE to you and yours Dear Friend!!! I miss your FACE!!!!


  1. Congrats! Semi-related, I actually have an amazing anti-nausea medication that I got from the emergency room some time ago, it's called ondansetron, I think. I don't know how you'd get that, but it really does work magic. You'll still feel horrible, however you won't vomit anymore.

  2. Thanks Hannah! Ondansetron (Zofran) is what I'm taking. It mostly keeps me from vomiting, until I get really REALLY panicky, and then nothing is going to keep it from happening. I agree though, the majority of the time it's magical. there's nothing worse than vomiting.
