Saturday, January 12, 2013

Still Sick.

Or, possibly a different kind of sick.

It's hard to say.

All the days of not feeling good seem to have mashed together into one endless, snot-colored blur.

Currently I'm feverish, on an off, which leads me to believe that I may have had a cold before, and now have the flu.

But maybe that's just the fever talking.

My car is sick again. The transmission is sticking, I'm sure that's what it is. It doesn't want to shift from second to third gear. It only does it intermittently, and seemingly only on Saturday mornings. Which vexes me.

We are now debating whether it is worth getting it fixed and then selling it, or selling it as-is.

I thought one of my goldfish died yesterday. I was so sure he was dead...but then Dagny nipped his tail and he came back to life. He's not feeling well still, but I changed the water and hand fed him some shelled peas. Hopefully that fixes the problem.

I also bought a dinosaur bichir (named Laurids) last week, something which I am still unsure about. I'm not even sure why I bought him. I went in to get some snails for the goldfish tank, and somehow decided that I needed him...we'll see how that one turns out.

Anyway, I didn't quarantine him like I should have, and now there's an ick outbreak in my catfish tank, which is problematic, since catfish are so sensitive to medication. For now I've cranked up the heat and added a tiny bit of salt. I'm hoping that's enough.

That's all I know Dear Friend. Life has been terribly uneventful these past couple of weeks. Work is super busy, I am super sick, and I miss you more than ever. For now, I'm taking more nyquil and going to bed. Maybe, just maybe, I'll wake up feeling better.



  1. So what are your post graduation plans shaping into? Are you still going to do the grad school ordeal or are you taking a break from that? Also, when you eventually get better you have to come visit us. I deleted my facebook, so I'm more or less out of the loop now and I have yet to find a good system to organize people into. Once I sort that out I'll let you know.

  2. Hey Hannah! I'm still planning on grad school, but I owe ASU a semester of tuition which I have to pay back before I can apply, so that's on the backburner for now. At the moment, I have no plans. I'm still mentally adjusting to the change and probably will be for some time. :) Do let me know once you've figured out a system for keeping in contact. I miss your face!
