Thursday, August 18, 2011

First Day of School! First Day of School!

Ah, yes, here I am, awash in the glow of a new semester...

...sort of.

So for all my neurotic anticipatory behavior over the past week the first day of school did not go down as planned. Not at all.

I woke up, as per the usual, a good 15 minutes later than I should have and about 4 minutes before I had to be out the door. (This is a ritual of mine.) I threw on my scrubs, brushed my teeth, straightened my bangs (put on a head-rag!) and ran out the door.

Clothes! I almost forgot clothes for school, so back to the house I go. Can't. Find. Pants! Dani locates some (we'll come back to her laundry skills in a bit), I grab a shirt and we're off.

I get to work approximately 30 seconds before I would have been officially late.

Well the computer system is down, and all my work has to be done manually, but it's the first day of school!! Who cares?! Life is Grand!! I am damn near skipping with joy. Then I realize my thermos is full of Orange Juice and not coffee. Boo!!

Dear sweet Goose picks up some Starbucks for me and I head off to school, so drenched in happiness, I don't even notice how miserable the weather is. Now, in all my planning, I did print out my schedule and a map - which I proceeded to highlight with the various paths I could take, the best places to park my bike without 1. it getting stolen or 2. having to battle for space on the rack. (Yes, yes, I know. I have issues.)

Well I get there and my schedule and map are back at work, but that's okay. I've looked at that schedule so many times, mapped out everything, planned the minutia of my day so completely that it doesn't even matter. I get to class early, find a seat front row, just left of center and settle in.

I am THRILLED by the way, to find that this particular classroom has been remodeled since last semester. I have had at least one class in this room for the past 4 consecutive semesters. It holds just under 400 students and the chairs are so close together that no matter how you sit, you're still always touching the people on either side as well as in front of you.


Well not this time. Now the chairs are actually people sized and spaced decently and I am SO HAPPY. So happy indeed that I start chatting with the girl next to me. (I know, me talking to anybody? Ever? I don't get it either.) So students file in and the instructor starts talking. And this is where it gets kind of dicy.

Isn't my instructor female? I know I googled her at least a dozen times...Who's this guy? Why does he have a intro to genetics book? Haven't I already taken this class?

Yes Dear, yes you have.

Well I sat through about 25 minutes of the lecture before I finally decided that like it or not, I was going to have to get up, walk out of here, and get to my real class. Ugh.

Apparently today is not Friday. Did you know that? Because I didn't. And no matter how many times the universe tried to show me otherwise, I was not about to believe it.

Well anyway, I made it to my actual (Thursday) class and all was well. I headed back to work in the worst heat I had ever experienced (more on that later too), and tried to finish up my work.

At this point, I was still pretty chipper. The wrong class incident was behind me, and life was good. Several times during the day I had to stop and figure out what day it was. (Thursday, really?)

(And she fell asleep, sorry folks. To be continued.. Yours truly Goose.)

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