Sunday, August 7, 2011

Song of the Day!

Saturday's Song:

Jess is in town today!!! She called as I was posting this, and so I failed to hit 'publish post'. OOPS! Anywhoozer, this is Saturday's song. More tomorrow. Mostly right now, I'm very, very tired.

I'm glad bunbun made it home, and I miss you terribly.

OH! And I started reading your book. (Catch 22). I fell asleep half way through chapter two, but that was mostly on account of exhaustion, not so much the book itself.

1 comment:

  1. My lovely! I'm so glad you started reading're either going to laugh out loud the whole time you read, or burn the book in fury.

    Today, like all days, took a big chunk right out of my ass and chewed thoroughly before swallowing. It's like I'm still IN junior high. No, maybe high school. I've had some promising leads in the job arena, but nothing definite. I'm hoping this coming week will yield more fruits. I think the REAL Kristin Srewart...or should I say Edward pissed I haven't shared my location with her...but as hard a time as my parents are having with QuickDraw, I can only imagine how they take the news that I led Buffy right to my door. ;)

    Today we went to Vashon, and we were having a nice time until someone--invariably--had to insult someone else...always fun.

    Unrelated note: my dad still only pronounces your name caur-ole-en, which reminds me of sweet Goose trying to stay up to watch Caroline in 3d with me, fondly recalling the first time you two had watched it together.

    My moms cat seems to have run away, and my mom is very much so convinced that it's bc I'm here. "I just dontthink Zippy wants to live here anymore," she murmurs tragically to herself as she stands in the doorway and surveys all the places that her cat is immediately not located in. It's both heart-wrenching and aggitating, as if the cat and I are somehow on par with each other in terms of irreplaceability.

    The pig, who has NEVER shown the slightest bit of aggression--even when being faced with a loaded gun--has decided my dad is a threat level orange, all bc he INSISTED on smacking a stick in Bop's peripheral vision to 'establish dominance.' All it SEEMS to have established is that my dad is a threat and a danger, and he has taking to actually attempting to gore my poor dad, who has gone from lithe to waifish...He's such an animal lover that I feel awful they got off on the wrong foot, and a little scared to realize that Bebop is in fact a pig after all.

    MY blog has gone down in readership exponentially since my departure, largely bc my dad forbids me to post 'smut' from a computer that can be tracked to his home.

    I've gotten a lot of calls about the business lately, however--that's both weird and awesome. I passed out donating plasma the other day, but rigt before I did I got a call about a job for CP, which was cool.

    I REMEMBER the Jew, although I rcall her being rather impartial to me. I hope she's well--it would have been really cool to meet her again, as an adult. Is she pretty? I remember I admired her hair...

    I'm sorry to hear that my absence has impacted you more or less, it seems, as much as it has myself. I'm kind of surprised--I had such an overt sensation of being utterly replaceable, not necessarily in your life, but rather in most evseyones--I'm kind of like the Prius of people...a lot of hidden perks, but not really marketable ones to a mass consumer market. But then, you're not exactly a subscriber to the Neilson ratings system, either. You are, hands down, my best friends, and the coolest and wackiest people I know--just knowing you're out there makes a huge world of difference. It's been a very crushing blow to discover that coming home--something I'd exalted through the various hardships of my life in AZ and all it's trappings therein--has not been the sweet reward I imagined, but rather a cruel misstep back in time, back to a place where nothing aI did or thought was right or near good enough.

    In short, I'm doubly sad you're having trouble with the move bc it does not seem like the loss was worth the gain.

    UNRELATED NOTE: Get ready to get SPANKED on Words with Friends on Facebook!

    Muhwah Muhwah Muhwah!!!!

