Friday, August 26, 2011

Song of the Day!

The Hushed Sound makes me happy.

Once upon a time I went to a Murder by Death concert that The Hushed Sound was also playing at. I decided to skip The Hushed Sound's set since I wasn't familiar with them...poor decision.

Hindsight again.
Always biting me right in the butt.
Lesson learned.



  1. Hookers! Im learning about so much new music! I just had to use someone's phone to post this, but I HAD to tell someone--I'm at the plasma place waiting to donate, had to use the bathroom, and I'm in the stall next to someone. I'm not really paying attn to the sights and sounds, as most people don't try to savor every moment in a foreign restroom, but I hear this persistent..:like...slurping sound. Sonwithout much thought, I decide that whievers in the stall ne t to me must be operating a breast pump. I'm taking a deuce, so I've got time to think about it for a second...wondering where this baby must be, bc I didnt see one in the waiting room. Then I scoffedto myself--why would someone bring their baby in to this nasty place? She must obviously be pumping it to bring home to her baby. I'm musing to myself about how long you can go without refrixgersting tit milk and then starting to wonder how sanitary it is to give your baby milk that's been pumped in a plasma donation center bathroom, and then I hear it--uuuggghhhhhhh. And the sucking, slobbering sound is faster now, and I'm looking at the bitches feet under the stall and realizing that her jacket is more hole thN jacket, and her shoes have huge holes also...and that sounds an AWFULLY lot like....

    That's right--someone just fucking came next in the stall next to me, either before or after she gave blood. I waited until after she finished ( AND DIDN'T WASH HER HANDS!!!!!) to come out, half mortified and half hoping she was hot. Im sending dani a picture...ewwwww!

    Love you! Miss you!

  2. Gross! Dani's phone can't receive pictures, so we didn't get to see it. :( But I'm sure she was a hot mess. Dani totally did not understand what you were trying to say and had to have it explained even further to her, which just made the whole thing even funnier.

    We miss you so much. You have no idea. It's just ridiculous. Hope you're well. *muah*
