Monday, January 23, 2012


Oh Dear Friend! I REALLY hope you're feeling better by now, but I suspect you're mostly feeling hopped up on morphine. Please call me when you can. Or text me, I guess, depending on the condition of your face.

Someone, who I'm assuming was QD, sent me a super nondescript message to let me know something was up. And by nondescript, I mean a picture of you looking dead with no text. Lol. So I died inside, and frantically set about trying to contact you. Now, please keep in mind that my phone is practically a million years old so the picture was really hard to see, but I should have assumed you'd be in no shape to talk. I got no answer on the phone, but I did get a reply from QD saying you were fine, just a little cut or something, and I forwarded the pic to Goose.

Now, Goose has a MUCH better phone than me, and it was immediately clear that the previous message was a bit of an understatement. (You can't fool me!) So, now I expect - nay, require the full story. From start to finish, with no detail left out or un-embellished.

Also, please know that this only serves to reinforce my deep-rooted fear of snow.

That being said, I really really REALLY hope you're okay and on enough drugs to keep you comfortable. Also, I'm super worried and I WILL have an aneurism if you don't call to let me know what's up.

All the love in the world,
LittleFoot and Goose.

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