Sunday, January 8, 2012

Wrong Class.

Today I went to class an hour and a half early. I however, thought I was 20 minutes late. This little mix up meant that I burst into someone elses class like a wild animal before realizing my mistake and retreating in shame. :P It's been a funny day.

I wish I had something of interest to update you with, but life has been...more or less the same here, day in, day out. We hope to get back into the swing of things next weekend and are planning a fossil adventure, possibly down the cliff to the other side of the river. Hopefully the weather holds up and it isn't too cold or rainy or raining toads or something. I really REALLY need to get out of the house at this point.

What are you doing up there anyway Dear Friend? Besides working and hanging out with QD and Bebop? How are YOU keeping YOUR sanity? Because it seems like we're losing ours a little more each day....maybe that's just the winter speaking.

Song of the Day! (I REALLY love this one, so enjoy it!)

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Несовершенство линий
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У меня её лицо её имя
Свитер такой же синий
Никто не заметил подмены

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