Saturday, January 21, 2012

A plague on both of your houses.

Or, just on mine. Me. Whatever.

Currently I'm dying. It feels a lot like multi-systemic organ failure to me, but that's probably just the delirium talking. My brain appears to be infected. Swollen. Whatever.

Or maybe I just have the flu. It's hard to say.

Poor Goose has been running about attempting to keep me warm/conscious for most of the day. Or maybe she's been moving at a normal pace and I'm just that sick. I thought my fish was talking to me earlier, so keep that in mind while reading this.

I went to the doctor yesterday while I was in much better shape. I was also cracked out on what may have actually been equivalent to crack in order to cope with my work/school schedule. (Mucinex DM/Tylenol severe cold and flu/naproxin/no-dose/NOS). As a result she may have over estimated my health and not taken my complains quite as seriously as she should have. At any rate, I went home and my health rapidly deteriorated. Poo.

I'm STILL locked out of myASU, and right now it's looking like the problem may not be properly solved until the end of the day Tuesday which is further distressing me. Not that I could do any intelligible classwork in my current state anyway, but that, really, is beside the point.

There's an ich outbreak in three of the fish tanks, and my most beloved fish Virgil died which has made me sad. Goose got me a new one named Darwin, and a spherical tank for him (the H.M.S. Beagle) which makes me feel better, but still not good.

Lady Hannah is apparently equally ill, and you Dear Friend, though not sick yet, sound equally miserable. Hopefully the new week will bring better things to the three of us.

For now at least, I'm off to drown my sorrows in NyQuil and sleep the sick away.

All the love in the world.

(Dictated, not read)
