Sunday, January 1, 2012

Okay, fish update. Finally.

Here are the tanks, as they appear now, or at least closer to it. I did get an appropriate light fixture for the Johanna Karoline. They did not have the freshwater unit so I had to get the salt water one which means I have a blue light instead of a pink one that needs to be swapped out, but since it's New Years and things are closed that's going to have to wait.

Erasmus died last night, which I thought might happen. We got him at Petco rather than at a local fish store and they guy there said this batch had been pretty badly beaten up in shipping so it might be a bit touch and go. And it was. So we've frozen his corpse to return tomorrow and will, from here on out purchase our angels from a breeder. Our other angel we got from a breeder and he's still going strong.

Anyway, here are some videos. Hope your day's been lovely Dear Friend. Love and Stuff.

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