Oh Dear Friend, the heavens are clearly smiling on me these days.
Yesterday was a great day for no apparent reason. I worked my butt off all day. I picked up Oscar from ET's house. I went to the art store, I got some supplies, and I got my crafty jam on.
I'm not really particularly happy with anything I made last night, but I'm also not unhappy with it either. Kind of neutral I guess. But regardless, it was really just fantastic to sit down and work on something by myself. I think that I may need to lay off the purple though. Lol. My whole dang house is going to be purple at this rate! I'm also, for whatever reason, really embracing my girly side, which is strange and somehow foreign to me. I didn't even really notice I was doing it until I stood back and looked at the transformation my life has undergone over the course of the past couple of weeks and thought, oh my god, when did you become this much of a girl? Who knew?
Anyway, today I'm going to work with melting some crayons and a quote by Tolstoy and see what comes out of it. This weekend I'm going to clean out the hall closet and figure out what to do with all the boxes of stuff taking up space in my bedroom once and for all.
Life just seems to be coming together for me right now. All of the pieces suddenly fit and I am so grateful for my life and the things I've managed to do thus far.
I also watched/listened to most of season 2 of Archer (because, seriously, Terms of EnRampagement? Greatest. Thing. Ever. Also...'bear claw!! *eating noises*') I baked some cookies. Knitted a hat for a friend, and I cleaned out the air vents. So no complaints here.
I miss you so much. So so so much. I think about you, you know, most all of the time now and I wish there was *something* productive I could do to make this icky transitional period easier for you. Just shout at me if you think of something okay? I'm aching to be helpful and productive. ;) Lots of Love Dear Friend. Lots of Love. From me to you.
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