Or, you know, 6 to 3. Whatever.
Yesterday was a relentlessly brutal day. R helped me get stuff out and solve problems, but census was really high over the weekend and everyone was a little irritable. Myself included. And people just kept finding my rawest nerves and poking them. In the end though, it was alright. I've had far worse days. I've been far more frustrated. So I punched out and left it all behind.
I headed home, made some chow, and put on Earth Girls Are Easy, because really? Is there anything better after a long, long Monday?
I finished eating, worked on my quilt some, and then promptly fell asleep on the sofa. I woke up around 7:30, fully aware that I had just seriously screwed up my sleep schedule yet again.
*le sigh*
I finished the front side of my quilt, and since the back half is going to have to wait until next payday, I started on a second quilt (a lap quilt for the dog) since I happened to have another jelly roll bundle on hand. I stayed up past midnight in an attempt to make up for the nap I took earlier, but it didn't exactly even out. Instead I woke up several times during the night, paranoid that I was going to over sleep. When my alarm finally went off I hauled myself out of bed and got through my morning routine.
The first clue that something was amiss was when the dog refused to wake up. She smacked her lips at me when I tried to wake her up and attempted to lick me without having to open her eyes, which I thought was really odd since she's normally up before me, pacing around, waiting for food. Eventually I managed to rouse her, and we headed out for our morning walk. I opened the door and it was daaaaaark out. Really dark. Like dead of night dark. At first I thought, 'wasn't it light out this time yesterday?' then 'maybe it's just getting light out later and I didn't notice' or 'maybe there's really heavy cloud cover'. I went back inside, fed the critters and left for work. It wasn't until I was pulling out of my complex that I looked at the car clock.
3:10 am.
I don't know what happened, Dear Friend. The most reasonable solution is that at some point, while I was fitfully sleeping, I must have gotten up and fiddled with the alarm clock thus screwing up the time reading. It was right when I went to bed. It was really, really wrong when I woke up.
Normally I have alarms set on my phone which would have alerted me to the fact that the alarm clock was off. Of course, I left my phone on top of a mountain Saturday, so there was nothing to alert me to my mistake before I left the house.
I headed back home and tried to fall back asleep. This was a terrible plan. I knew this was a terrible plan. Never, ever go back to bed once you're up and moving around. That's a sure fire way to make sure you're tired and cranky all day. But I did it any way. The dog curled up with her head on my chest and we drifted in and out of sleep for the next hour. Then we got up and went through all the morning stuff all over again.
It was so super lame.
Now I am beyond exhausted. I failed to eat my breakfast simply because I was too tired to chew it. Do you know how tired one has to be for chewing to be too much work? Because I do. It's this exhausted. *points to face*
So now I've got to muddle through my day, go get a new phone, and pray to whatever powers may be that I can get my sleep schedule sorted out asap. Wish me luck.
Song of the day!
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