Saturday, September 17, 2011


Woah, it's been a rough week! And I for one, am very glad that it's over.

I had grand plans for this past week, productive, buckling down, getting sh*t done kind of plans.

It started Tuesday, when I came home to two weeks worth of calculus homework that was due before midnight. Yuck. So I went to work. Pulled up my big kid panties and very studiously completed the mountain of math before me. I promised myself that this week, which was riddled with tests and papers would be different. I would come home, sit down at the table, and do my work.

It didn't work out that way.

Wednesday I attempted to work on my geo homework, since it's only a 5 week course and it ends October 7th. It's a two part class with 15 units for each part and 4 or 5 subunits to each unit which means roughly 150 assignments to do. None of them are very hard, but they are a bit on the time consuming side. At this point, I'm about 2/3 done and totally disinterested in finishing the remaining third of the class. Instead I did a little bit of reading for my STP 420 class, but not enough to accomplish anything and cleaned the house.

Thursday I fully intended to work on my math, to study for the two massive tests I have on Monday and Tuesday in Evo Primatology and Geoarch, but instead my sister called and asked me if I would pretty please be a hair model for her friend's job interview. I looked at the shaggy mess of hair on my head, which by the way, now fits into a ponytail (yuck!) and agreed. She picked me up at 3 and it was nearing 10 before I got home.

I have a lot of hair. A LOT. I always try to emphasize this when I go to get my hair cut, because it really does take 2 hours to cut it, but nobody ever takes me seriously and then looks at me, appalled at how thick my hair is. *le sigh*. She had to color, highlight, and cut my hair for her interview, which explains the time it took. But my hair does look fantastic, so that was totally worth it.

Yesterday I woke up with the migraine to end all migraines, and struggled through my shift. I came home, took my headache medicine, had a nap, and got up ready to work on my homework. Instead, I found dear sweet Goose, in the throws of a panic attack after having procrastinated her way through the school week as well. All of her work was due at 9 and it was already passed 7 so I put my work aside and helped her bust through the ridiculous amount of work she had.

I spent the remainder of last night trudging through the mountain of geo homework like a good girl. By 1am my brain had turned to pudding and I wasn't retaining anything I was reading so I went to bed.

Today many many things have to get done. I have a paper to write for STP 420 that is due by noon on Monday. I have tests on Monday and Tuesday that I am vastly under prepared for. I need to work on the adaptive radiations of old world primates and do some cladistic trees for the lemurs of Madagascar and I need to pick a lemur species for class that has not already been chosen (since I missed class on Monday when everyone chose their primates). I need to start on the next unit for my math class and figure out what I'm going to do my first calc project on. Gross. And I need to not get overwhelmed by any of this.

Tonight ET is coming over and tomorrow we have family stuff to do for Dear Sister's birthday.

I think it's fair to say I am beyond swamped. But you know what? I kind of like it that way. Granted I wish I had just a few more minutes of precious free time, but I made my bed, it's relatively comfortable, so I'll lay in it just the same.

I hope you're doing okay. Goose is super worried about you and wants you to know you can call her whenever. I don't have the free time right now to give you a definitive yes on the book thing, but that might change once I get through this week and things start to clear up. . . that's pretty much it from the desert. That's all I know.

I love you tons Dear Friend. Tons and tons. And I miss you every day. *love*

Song for Yesterday:

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