Sunday, September 18, 2011

Steady on my feet? Not quite.

Oh Dear Friend, the things you missed!

We went to the mall to get something for my sister's birthday. I was wearing heels, maybe 3 inches, not too high, but with a narrow heel, and my foot is still not right from the break last spring. In fact, I've been diligently avoiding heels for the past year, both because it's still painful (since I broke the ball of my foot) and because I'm not terribly good at walking in them anymore. Anyway, I bought a rather pretty onxy bowl and some other treasures and we were heading back towards the entrance when it all went wrong.

The floors are wood, and must have been recently waxed because I had mentioned earlier that I wasn't getting very good traction. I looked down at my feet, for some reason, slipped, and totally lost my balance in the most spectacular fall in recent memory. I was holding onto Goose's hand, which is probably what kept me from shattering my face on the floor, and I remember thinking, oh crap, this is going to be bad.

And it was.

There was an audible "pop" as I hit the floor, which I would later discover was my bowl shattering into a million fragments, and then found myself, face down, inches away from the floor. My limbs were splayed out behind me in various directions, Goose was clinging to one arm for dear life, and the VERY crowded mall came to a momentary halt.


But I got up and carried on without so much as blushing. I think that small stroke of luck was due mostly to the shock of the fall. The people who were behind us however, were now in front of us, and were clearly embarrassed for me.

We made it home, and I discovered my shattered bowl. I decided I could probably glue it together, and that seemed to work for a bit. However, before long, I had glued my fingers to the bowl, and the bowl to my leg and by the time I'd freed myself from it most of my fingers were in cased in a very thick layer of superglue. I soaked them in acetone to no avail, and am now, attempting to chew off the larger pieces so that my fingers can feel like fingers again, and less like stone.

About 2/3 of the bowl had shattered cleanly and could be glued back together. The remaining third however, is crumbling away to nothingness so that whole project was for naught, and has been abandoned.

In other news, it's possible I left my phone out in our fossil spot, but equally possible that it's somewhere in the car amongst the mess of fossiling equipment. If you need me in the mean time, please call Goose. Lots of love. *lovelovelove*

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