Monday, September 5, 2011

This one's for you.

I was going to post CC's Amy Hit the Atmosphere, which is probably the only song of theirs I like more than this one, but I posted this one for you instead. Mostly because this was the first long weekend we've spent without you and your absence was painfully evident all day.

Today was full of all sorts of not-very-interesting events.

The people who live above us inexplicably slashed up a bunch of couch pillows and threw them off their balcony onto our porch...and then refused to pick them up.

We in turn refused to pick them up for the better part of the day, at one point standing amidst the mess looking up at them with a 'we saw you do this' look, but nope. Nothing. Incredulous-ness. So Goose threw them away. She's a better person than I am.

Later one of our other neighbors was frantically digging though the dumpster after his kid accidentally threw away his keys. Luckily the dumpster was mostly empty.

Once goose threw her phone away with the dirty cat litter. Since this was shortly after the great fall down the stairs, Goose couldn't climb in so she got the job of calling the phone from the outside the dumpster while I got to climb in and dig through the days muck to locate the phone.

Needless to say I felt for the guy, but Goose said she'd already asked him if he needed help and he said no. I'm a little skeptical of that answer, but I was already inside and the dumpster seemed so far away. *lazy*

Later on I went a little bit crazy over the latest stupid facebook breast cancer game, which 1. isn't funny and 2. fails to raise awareness of anything except stupidity, and got up on my soapbox in the living room all by myself for a good 10 minutes. Sadly there were no witnesses, it was pretty awesome.

Mittens has been compulsively sniffing me and Goose is covered in mosquito bites. Oh, and I've been diligently avoiding writing the paper that's due tomorrow at noon.

That's pretty much it. It's just life. It goes. On and on. Apparently forever.


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