Well my lovely, it's been a long week.
It's been hot, not HOT hot, like July, but a miserable shade of humid hot. (Like 105ish with 50+% humidity). The past couple of days have been stormy. Dark, even during the days, and full of lightning and a low, rumbling thunder that seems to be creeping out of the air directly above my head regardless of where I may be. Last night I thought for sure it was going to rain. HARD. But it didn't. It sprinkled on and off though the afternoon/evening but nothing substantial. Once the sun went down though, the lightning really picked up.
I wish I could have gotten a picture of it for you, because it was breathtaking, but I didn't. *Shame* It was that really particular kind of lightning that sort of spiders across the sky. It almost looked like the sky had hands for a while there.
Well today was much the same, it was sunnier during the day, but still humid and heavy. We were supposed to get some serious thunderstorms, but they missed us. If you were still here you would have gotten to see the best of it. Apparently there was a tornado, or at least a 'severe thunderstorm with a rotating updraft characteristic of a tornado' that blew through AJ/east mesa and down along the Salt River. We were put under a tornado warning none-the-less.
Here is a terrible picture of the lightning tonight, which was not nearly as pretty, and was, for the most part obscured by puffy clouds.
That's all the excitement I've got for you. ET (collectively, E&T on their own, lol) is heading over tonight, hopefully since we haven't seen Miss T since pride...PRIDE! It's been like 6 months?! Sheesh...we're making ceviche (I'll post the recipe for you later tonight for you I pinky-promise).
Song of the day is by Sissy Bar. Never mind the odd video, it's literally the only thing I could find on the whole entire interwebs with this song on it. You're going to have to cope.
"There's a dream in the back of my mind
Across the tracks is where I'll find my
Dreamy trailer pretty trailer
Dreamy trailer pretty trailer
Stale donuts in the den
My common stove is broke broke down
Neighbor neighbor call the neighbor
We'll have dinner in the trailor
And if you find a place
Double wide for extra space
Plywood Astroturf for a happy place
You've found my dream"
If you want another way to share songs, try http://grooveshark.com/, you can find just about every song on there and it's free. Go through, select the song you want to share, click the plus -> share -> widget, and it should give you embed code for blogs. All the same, this youtube thing is working out for me.