Sunday, September 18, 2011

Well that was horrific.

Hands down the worst family dinner I've ever had, and we both know I've had some doozies.

It's hard to say where it all started going wrong, but somehow it went from fantastic to apocalypse in 0.6

I left in tears, which never happens. My sister, of all people then called me crying to tell me that she loves me, which has never in the history of our lives happened. Oh, and I can't see my dad and I being on speaking terms any time in the near future, not because I don't love him, but because he continually allows his girlfriend/wife to make snarky comments about me to my face and really, I don't have time for that anymore.

Yep. That about sums it up.

Now I'm going to take a long bath, eat some chocolate, and then go to bed.


  1. Thanks Hannah. Missing you both terribly right about now.

  2. Just bc you're WITH someone gives you no business giving s running commentary on their lives or the lives of their family. I've never met the Other Carolyn, but I imagine she was either meant well, said something nice in a mean way, was drinking and opened her big fucking mouth, or is just simply a dumb bitch. You and your dad, Mary will get over it--perhaps this is just the point where you've got to wall out the O.C. ? She offered, what she helped was helpfullly.
